Religiosity and Consumer’s Attitude Towards Halal Food and Cosmetic Products

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Ahmad Abdulkadir


Islam is a universal and comprehensive religion. It urges Muslims to choose for the good in every facet of life including food. Muslims are aware of the prohibition from using pork, alcohol and any other related matter. This may lead to promptly rising demand for halal food and cosmetics products. Although Muslims are majority in some countries, yet there is still much food not served according to the Muslim halal ruling and issues of abuse of halal logo and certification. Hence, this paper investigates the relationship between knowledge and religiosity on attitude towards halal food and cosmetic products. There is a need to examine the implications of Religiosity as one of the main factors that should be considered in promoting cosmetic products. The paper looks at existence of significant difference between consumers’ attitude towards halal cosmetic and halal food products were investigated. It also aims at drawing the attention of Muslims to the Halal concept that originated from the Quran and Sunnah, which are the two sources in Islam. The methodology adopted in this paper is the conceptual research through the consultation of relevant literature, which focuses on the thematic study of the halal food and cosmetic products. This is followed with analysis and discussion on the contents of the materials used. It is concluded that religiosity is more influential towards attitude compared to halal knowledge. The paper also observed that non-Muslim’s intention of buying halal product depends on many important factors including age, educational qualification, religious thoughts and animal welfare. An important conclusion is that the perception of non-Muslim consumers about halal food products is influenced by their subjective norm, attitude and comprehended behavioural control. The paper also indicates that Muslim consumers have more positive attitudes and intentions towards halal food products as well as halal cosmetic products.

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How to Cite
A. Abdulkadir, “Religiosity and Consumer’s Attitude Towards Halal Food and Cosmetic Products”, Int.J.Halal.Res, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 97-104, Dec. 2022.


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