Application of Yeast as a Bioreactor for the Production of Microbial Flavors
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Thymol (5-methyl-2-isopropylphenol) is a phenolic compound that is used to inhibit oral bacteria. Because little is known regarding the effects of this compound on ruminal microorganisms and it is a halal aroma, the objective of this study was to use yeast as a bioreactor to produce thymol as a halal flavor. Isolation and molecular identification were done by using 5.8S ITS. The results indicated that the strain which we isolated is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This strain is very important in halal functional food, it produces zinc and selenium. The transformation of Thymus vulgaris L.DNA to S. cerevisiae is considered a major technique for the production of active components that can be used as food preservatives against fungal growth and their mycotoxin occurred in food production so that the aim of the current study was to use S. cerevisiae for the production of thymol through the transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with genetic material of Thymus vulgaris and evaluation of the new transformant able to produce antioxidant products.
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