Analysis of Alcohol Content in A Herbal Medicine of Noni Using Gas Chromatography Method
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Noni (Morinda citrifolia L) has long been used for herbal medicine to treat various medical conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, blood vessel problems, tumour and cancer. One of the compound in some fruit is ethanol. Ethanol in the pharmaceutical industry is often used as a solvent. Regulation of the Head of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM RI) Number HK. Year 2010 states that alcohol-containing drugs, traditional medicines, and supplements must declare the alcohol content (in percentage) on the label. There are many available noni herbal medicines on Indonesia's market, either with or without a distribution license. This research aims to analyse alcohol content, product type, distribution licence, and label of alcohol content on noni herbal medicines from herbal drugstores or online shops in Jakarta. Determination of alcohol content in this study was performed using Gas Chromatography Headspace method. The result showed that 13 out of 20 samples contained alcohol ranging between 0.04 - 1.07%. None of the samples with detected alcohol had a label "contains alcohol in per cent (%)". Eighteen samples were categorised as "beverages" and two samples were categorised as "traditional medicines or herbal medicines". These two samples contain 0.21 and 0.07% alcohol. In accordence with the Fatwa of the Indonesian Council of Ulama, these herbal medicines are "allowed" to be consumed with certain conditions: the medicines do not endanger the health and do not encourage substance abuse, their use must follow the recommended dosage and they should not be used intentionally to get drunk. Out of 18 samples within the "beverage" category, only 12 samples were halal; the other 6 were haram.
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