Seasonal variations affect the physical and chemical parameters of inland waters: a case study of Warri River in Nigeria
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The Niger-Delta area in Nigeria is rich with rivers, swamps and creeks that are often subject to various forms of pollution. The effect of seasonal variations on the physical and chemical conditions of Warri River was studied in 2015. Temperature and pH values across all seasons fell within the optimum range formost aquatic organisms. Meanwhile, total dissolved solids exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limit, especially during the dry season; indicating possible pollution from inorganic salts, organic matter and other dissolved materials in the water. The low dissolved oxygen value recorded was expected due to the high levels of dissolved solids recorded in the river. Lastly, phosphate, nitrate and sulphate concentrations recorded were below the WHO permissible limits. The chemical and biological parameters recorded indicate that the Warri River poses minimal threat to human and animal life.
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