Halal Cluster Design Interaction: Is It Important For Enhancing Product Quality Perception?

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Yolanda Masnita
Pipie Puspitasari


This study focuses on the perception of product quality influencing consumers to buy halal food products due to a better processing and purchasing concept. Hence, the consumers not only obtain halal food from the substance or product itself but also the process and acquisition. Structured surveys and interviews were conducted on 319 general public in Indonesia's major cities. There were 6 hypotheses proposed and tested to analyze the halal cluster's effect on Product Quality. This study shows that service, health standards, and organization perceptions moderated by Halal Cluster Design influence consumers to purchase quality halal food products. The study focuses on consumer perceptions, such as service, hygiene, and health, as well as the existence of a cluster design for granting halal certificates and logistics, which ultimately influence consumers in purchasing decisions. This research proves that the halalness of food is shown by its substance, process and acquisition. Consumers purchase quality halal food products based on product quality perceptions. This include service, health, organizational perceptions, and a halal cluster design as standardization in the production process.

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How to Cite
Y. Masnita and P. Puspitasari, “Halal Cluster Design Interaction: Is It Important For Enhancing Product Quality Perception?”, Int.J.Halal.Res, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 113-124, Sep. 2021.


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